National Biomechanics Day at Virginia Tech

Virginia Tech hosted more than 90 high school students from surrounding high schools as part of National Biomechanics Day 2019! Led by Dr. Robin Queen and the Granata Lab, National Biomechanics Day 2019 at Virginia Tech involved hands-on biomechanics activities in 5 engineering labs. National Biomechanics Day is an annual international event aimed at introducing students to the field biomechanics.


Gilliam Fellowship will support graduate student’s investigation of impact of race on movement mechanics

Dr. Robin Queen and PhD student Cherice Hughes-Oliver were awarded the Howard Hughes Medical Institute Gilliam Fellowship as an advisor-advisee pair. This funding will support Cherice’s graduate studies to understand the impact of race and related factors on walking, running, and jump landing mechanics.

Treadmill Laboratory

Dr. Queen also directs the Granata Treadmill Lab at Virginia Tech, which is housed in Norris Hall on the Virginia Tech campus in close proximity to both the main Granata Lab and Dr. Queen’s office. The Treadmill Lab contains an instrumented treadmill, motion capture equipment, and a physical therapy treatment table. This space is also equipped with a ceiling anchor to enable the use of a harness while on the treadmill.

Instrumented Treadmill

The Granata Lab has an AMTI split-belt fore-aft instrumented treadmill (Watertown, MA), which is equipped with front and back AMTI force plates and corresponding belts. The treadmill can be used to monitor ground reaction forces in the anterior/posterior, medial/lateral, and vertical directions and corresponding free moments about each axis. Additionally, the treadmill incline and belt speed for both the front and back force plate belts can be adjusted. The force and moment data obtained from these force plates can be used to understand both ground reaction forces as well as joint moments, in conjunction with kinematics data, during walking or running.

Reduction of Risk Factors for ACL Re-injuries using an Innovative Biofeedback Approach

ACL injuries are common among athletes and due to residual muscle weakness, limited knee motion and asymmetrical movement patterns after surgery many of these athletes will sustain secondary ACL injuries following return to sports. This project seeks to determine if a novel biofeedback-based rehabilitation approach can decrease a known risk factor for secondary injuries to the ACL. The project specifically focuses on correcting asymmetric movement patterns, a known risk factor for secondary injury that is not directly addressed by existing interventions through a 6 week therapy based biofeedback intervention.